Decisions Are Important

Esau Devotional

Read the biblical text: Genesis 25:29-34



Show a poster with 2 categories:

  • Important decision (with a lot of influence)
  • Less important decision (with little influence)

Let your kids put examples in each category. Here are a few examples:

  • Choose your clothes
  • Choosing what you eat in a restaurant
  • Choosing your husband or wife
  • Choosing a field of study



It can happen to us to make decisions quickly and not think about where it will lead us.

Esau made a decision without thinking about the significance that this decision would have. He sold his birthright (which gave him blessings) for a bowl of lentils because he was too hungry.

Every decision has consequences, that is why we have to be wise. The Bible says that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. (Proverbs 1:7). The Bible also says that if someone lacks wisdom, he can ask God, who will give it to us generously and without rebuke(James 1:5)



  • How do you make your decisions?
  • Who do you ask for advice?
  • What do you decide? What do your parents decide?
  • What good decisions have you made so far?
  • What decisions do you intend to make for your future?



God, help me seek your wisdom in every decision I have to make. I know that you will be with me once my decision is made and you will never let me down.