Make a race start line (real or imaginary). Go! Children must leave as if on a race.
At first, do the usual 1.2,3, GO!
Then count until you decide to stop and the children must be ready to leave at any time and at the right time! ( 1.2, 3.4.5, Go! 1.2, Go! 1.2,3,4,6,7,8,9, Go!)
Deborah went for it.
We can all be hesitant about an important decision that we have to make. It is good to think about our decisions, but we also have to take action. Once the décision is made, God will be with us. He is with us in the decision-making process, enlightening us and giving us wisdom. In James 1:5 we can read that if we lack wisdom, we can ask God who will give it to us.
God, give me wisdom to make the right decision and once it is made, give me the courage, strength and energy to put that decision forward.
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