The Heart Of The Father


Like Deborah, we are all called to do great things for God and to help the people around us. What’s a big thing? Helping an elderly lady cross the street is a great thing, maybe not for you, but for her it’s a great thing. It all depends on how you see things, with your glasses or the other person’s glasses.

You are a son or daughter of the Father full of talents, gifts, beautiful and great qualities and God the Father wants you to use them to help the people around you.




  1. Ask the children to make a list of their talents, their qualities, their strengths.
  2. Tell them to team up with another person and find something they could do in the week to serve the people around them with what the Father has given them. In a practical way, they will demonstrate to others  the love of the Father and they will rush into life as Deborah did with what the Father has given them.