The Colours Of The Rainbow…



  • None



  1. Tell the children that you are making a riddle in which they will discover the significance of the rainbow between God and men.
    • Take the third letter of the colour of a carrot. (orange – a)
    • Take the second letter of the colour of the sky. (blue – l)
    • Take the third letter of the colour of a lemon. (yellow – l)
    • Take the third letter of the colour of snow. (white – i)
    • Take the third letter of the colour of coal. (black – a)
    • Take the fifth letter of the colour of grass. (green – n)
    • Take the fourth letter of the colour of a crow. (black – c)
    • Take the second letter of the colour of a strawberry. (red – e)
    • Answer: a-l-l-i-a-n-c-e – alliance
  1. You can use this riddle before you start your teaching or also at the end of it. This riddle is for older children (from the 3rd year of elementary school).