In The Well




  • Small cupcakes (cakes)
  • Bears (Gummy Bears or Marshmallow Bears)
  • Licorice candy
  • Blue icing
  • Green icing



  1. Prepare the snack before class.
  2. Prepare a recipe for cupcakes (cakes) by following the instructions on the package. You can also bake them yourself. Be sure to let the cakes cool before moving on to the next step.
  3. Remove the center of the cake. The hole must be larger than the bear.
  4. Put blue icing at the bottom of the hole.
  5. Place the bear in the hole.
  6. Using icing, place a licorice candy on the side as an example of a rope.
  7. Use green icing to cover the top of the cupcake.
  8. Distribute a cupcake to each child and make the connection with the story of the day. Jeremiah was in a well.