Choose Your Box



  • Different boxes (attractive and ordinary, small and large, wood, etc.)
  • Several articles
  • Stethoscope (a real one if you can, if not a toy)



Part 1

  1. Place items in different boxes such as money, candy, toys or even less interesting items like rolls of toilet paper, paper, etc.
  2. Choose children in turn and ask them to select a box.
  3. Then, when the children have their box, ask them to say why they chose this box? (beautiful, small, I took what was left, etc.)
  4. Let them open their box. Some will be happy with the content, others will be disappointed.
  5. Draw a parallel with the fact that you are often fooled by the external appearance to choose. Fortunately, God does not choose as we do…


Part 2

  1. Approach the children and pretend to listen to the hearts of many.
  2. Introduce them to the lesson.
    • You may not feel good enough to be chosen by God. Perhaps you have made mistakes or are not the prettiest, smartest or most popular person? Maybe you’re used to being the last one chosen at school or sports teams. Yet God doesn’t look at the things that people look at. 1 Samuel 16:7: “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” He doesn’t look at how beautiful you are, or how successful you’ve been. God looks at your heart.
    • He wants to know if you are thinking about love and compassion or hatred and forgiveness. God wants to know if you love him or if you are bored or tired of him. David was not chosen because he was beautiful, whereas he was. He was chosen because of his heart. His own father did not believe in him and had not even brought him for Samuel to choose him (1 Samuel 16:11), yet God had known David all his life. God knew David was the perfect boy to be king. He was only a shepherd, but when God looked at him, he saw a king.
    • Maybe your father abandoned you or even neglected you. Remember that your heavenly Father, God, knows who you are. He knows your name and he chose you. He loves you so much! You are loved by the creator of the universe! All he cares about is your heart. So how’s your heart?