A Blessed Encounter

Devotional Jacob

Read the biblical text: Genesis 32



Show a picture of a family fight (wrestling).

You can discuss that in a family or friends, wrestling is a time of physical contact.

“For many fathers, fighting is a way to have fun and communicate their affection to their child. In fact, 1 in 2 dads have fun fighting with their toddlers at least once a week. Even though fewer mothers play this way with their toddlers, many also like this type of game.”

Jacob’s struggle with God is a moment of encounter, of closeness.



Jacob was going to meet Esau, his brother, and he obviously expected Esau to be angry, hostile and perhaps violent. After all, the last time they saw each other, Jacob had stolen his birthright. He was scared.

This fear, however, motivated him to pray. He was remarkably humble in his prayer – especially considering how arrogant, proud and self-sufficient he usually was.

In his prayer, Jacob appealed to the promises God had made to him. He prayed to God to intervene. God intervened – though perhaps not in the way Jacob envisioned. God met Jacob in the form of a man and a wrestling match took place. They struggled all night. In the end, Jacob received a blow that hurt him but he did not want to let his opponent go. He asked him to bless him. God blessed him and changed his name.

Jacob had seen God keep his promises over and over again throughout his life. And because Jacob knew that God always kept his word, he could trust God. Even though he was terrified of seeing Esau again, he could trust God to handle the situation.



  • Are you talking to your friends or siblings?
  • What do you like/don’t like about this game?
  • What activities make you feel close to someone?
  • How do you feel about God?



Thank you, God, because you want to have special meetings with me and you want to bless me.