Jesus had several missions on earth and one of his missions was to open the way to the Father. Sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve and it took us away from the Father. Jesus then came to re-establish our relationship with the Father. This is what Jesus did through his sacrifice on the cross. Another of his missions was to make known the Father. John 14.9 “The one who saw me saw the Father.” When we see what Jesus did on earth, we can see what the Father is like. How was Jesus? (Let the kids respond) He was loving, compassionate, kind, etc. Jesus reflected the heart of the Father.
You can also reflect the Father’s heart, how? By your actions, your words, your attitudes. So bring the people to the Father.
“Father, thank you for sending Jesus, thank you because he came first to know us and to restore our communion with you. And then he came to show us how you are, a wonderful Father, filled with love. I want to know you more and more. Amen.”
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