Ask each family member to write six words on a piece of paper: three nice words and three nasty words. Don’t share your lists just yet.
Fill two bowls with snacks. One bowl should contain a sweet snack (chocolate) and the other bowl, a tangy snack (lemon candy). Then ask each family member to take turns reading a note from their list. Others have to guess whether it’s a nice word or a little sour. Once guessed correctly , everyone receives a chocolate or a lemon candy to “taste” the word.
The words we use make a difference. Words can be sour or sweet. They can hurt or repair relationships. Words can build people or demolish people.
Because our words are powerful, we must choose them carefully.
1 Thessalonians 5:11, Paul urges believers to “encourage each other and build each other.”
When we choose good words, we give others a taste of God’s goodness.
God, help me to encourage others with words of life and to show them your love and kindness through concrete deeds.
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