God asks Jonah to go: to Jerusalem, Baghdad, Nineveh or London?
At the beginning of the story, Jonah hears God and:
He stays seated.
He gets up and goes to the city God tells him.
He gets up and runs away from God.
He falls asleep under a tree.
Then Jonah embarks on a ship and: a storm breaks out, the sun rises, the rain falls.
Sailors with Jonah: are happy, get scared, run away in small boats, throw themselves into the water.
Jonah: is on deck, helps the sailors in their maneuvers, sleeps at the bottom of the boat, prays to God.
The captain asks Jonah: to make food, to help them put the boats in the water, to pray to His God, to lower the sails.
The crew is drawing lots. The draw designates: the captain, a sailor, God, Jonah.
After crying out to the God of Jonah, the crew: kills Jonah, throws him into the water, ties him to the mat, locks him in the hold.
Jonah is swallowed by: a shark, a dolphin, a big fish, a jellyfish.
In the belly of the animal, Jonah: weeps, sleeps, cries, prays.
Jonah promises: to no longer fall asleep, to help the sailors in their maneuvers, to fulfill his mission, never to go to Nineveh.
In Nineveh, Jonah: falls asleep, preaches the Word, builds a house, goes to the synagogue.
He announces that Nineveh will be destroyed in: 3 days, 7 days, 40 days, 1 year.
The people of Nineveh: turn away from God, change their lives, lock up Jonah, are indifferent.
Jonah reacts by: getting angry, having a big party, smiling, praying.
Jonah wants: to die, to grow up, to live, to eat with the Ninevites.
Jonah comes out of Nineveh and sits down: to the north, south, west, east.
He wants shade. God grows: an olive tree, leafy plant, a palm tree, a sycamore tree.
When the plant dies, Jonah: wants to die, wants another tree, builds a hut, returns to Nineveh.
God explains to Jonah that: humans matter more to him than plants, humans are to be forgotten, humans matter less than trees.
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