You Are Strong Because God Is With You!

Joshua Devotional

Read the biblical text: Joshua 1:1-9



Do a scavenger hunt. Each person must walk around the house and find something that is “strong”. As a family, talk about the objects you have collected and why you chose them. Then test each element to prove that it is strong in one way or another.



In Joshua 1: 7, God tells Joshua to “be strong and very brave.” Joshua’s strength comes from God and not from his abilities. In the same way, God asks the people of today to do things such as loving one’s neighbour, loving and blessing one’s enemies, caring for the poor, etc.

When we allow God to strengthen us, He shows us that He is faithful. Through the example of Jesus and the strength of God, people can do what God asks of them. In 1 Thessalonians 5:24, Paul says, “He who calls you is faithful.” God will never ask you to do anything without faithfully giving you the strength to carry out this task.



  • What do you think it means to be strong in the Lord?
  • How does your strength show God’s faithfulness?
  • What does it mean “God is faithful”?
  • Why does His loyalty (faithfulness) matter?
  • When did you see God’s faithfulness to your family?



Thank you,God, for your faithfulness, for your strength when I feel weak and for your presence no matter where I am.