Nehemiah, for us today, would be an engineer, a great engineer. At the time, Nehemiah saw a need and decided to work hard to meet that need. It was with his heart filled with compassion and love for his brothers in Jerusalem that he decided to embark on this adventure of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. It was not an easy job: he had to work hard, he had to overcome several obstacles. But he believed in his project and he got to work and he got it done. Let’s imagine for a moment that along the way Nehemiah decided to give up everything. “It’s too difficult, I won’t make it, I give up.” The reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem would never have taken place. Now imagine Jesus when he walked on earth. “I don’t want to die on the cross, I know it’s my Father’s plan to free his children from sin, but I don’t like it, I give up.” What would we have become? What if God had also given up on creating the earth? “I have a beautiful project but it’s too long, what if there is no land, it could just have water on the ground.” What would we have become? We would never have seen the light of day.
We can be grateful this morning because there were people before us who did not give up and who persevered in their work in order to see the plan and dream they had fulfilled. How are you? Do you give up easily when you face trials? Or do you work hard to see your plan and dreams come true? It’s not always easy, but it’s worth the effort.
“Father, thank you because you are not a God who gives up, thank you because you persevered. Thank you for the example of perseverance you gave me through the people of the Bible. I need your help so that you can transform me to become a persevering child too and so I can be hard-working and not give up my projects along the way. Thank you for helping me work hard until the projects are completed. Thank you because I know you will help me. Amen.”
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