
Ruth Devotional

Read the Bible verse: Ruth 1; Matthew 25:14-23



Offer the following charade to your children;

  • My first and second letter of the word is the word that is the opposite of high. (LO)
  • My third and fourth letter is a slang way to say yes. (YA)
  • My fifth letter comes right after “k”. (L)
  • My sixth letter is the first letter of a hot drink that the English like to enjoy. (T)
  • My seventh letter is a question that you may ask yourself. (Y)
  • My whole word is the main quality of Ruth (LOYALTY)



But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” Ruth 1:16

After her husband’s death, Ruth could have chosen to go alone and create a new life for herself. But instead, she chose to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi and follow her to her home country. Ruth didn’t know how things were going to go. She only knew that she had to be faithful to the family that God had given her. Because of her loyalty, God took care of the rest.

Loyalty often means that we put others first and remain consistent in our commitment to serve our family and friends. This means believing that when we are faithful, we honour God and allow him to work in our lives.

God is faithful, he doesn’t change. He’s constant. He always loves us and always takes care of us, no matter what our circumstances are.



  • Do you know of any other examples of faithfulness found in the Bible? Which? (David and Jonathan)
  • In the parable of talents (Matthew 25:14-23) what does it mean to be faithful?
  • Why is it often said that dogs are faithful friends?



Thank you, God, for your faithfulness to my family and me. Help me be faithful to you and my family and friends. Help me live up to my commitments.