God Is With Me Always

- Illustration on cardboard of children (attachment)
- Illustration on cardboard of a child playing (attachment)
- Illustration on cardboard of a house (attachment)
- Illustration on cardboard of a sleeping child (attachment)
- Cut a poster-sized cardboard in four.
- Glue the following illustrations on the cardboard: children, a child playing, a house and a sleeping child.
- Designate four children to hold the carboards.
- Ask the other children to show the cardboard that corresponds to the part of the nursery rhyme that is recited.
- Designate four other children to hold the carboards.
- Recite and mime the rhyme.
Nursery Rhyme
(Point your finger to the sky, then to you.)
- When I play and when I run
(Pretend to run.)
(Join hands above your head to simulate a roof.)
- Even when I sleep, God is there
(Tilt your head over your clasped hands.)