A Messenger Is Ready
- 3 cards in the shape of a fir tree
- Image of John (attachment)
- Images of Mary and Joseph with a manger (attachment)
- Baby Jesus image in the manger (attachment)
- Prepare fir-shaped cards and cut 3 firs on green construction paper 5 cm wide by 7 cm high.
- Print the images of John, Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus in the manger.
- Glue John on map 1.
- Glue Mary and Joseph on map 2.
- Glue baby Jesus on map 3.
- Say the sentences below as you show the images.
Nursery Rhyme
- A messenger is ready to announce the good news
(Show John’s map 1.)
- A family is ready to welcome him
(Show map 2 of Mary and Joseph.)
- A manger full of straw is ready
(Show the feeder on map 2.)
- A special place is ready for baby Jesus
(Show map 3 of Jesus.)