17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-John Snack

Let’s Fish     Material Paper plate Pretzels Goldfish crackers Icing   Steps Give each child a handful of pretzels and Goldfish crackers on a paper plate. Then put some icing on their plate. Ask the children to dip their pretzel in the icing and try to make the fish adhere to the pretzel. They …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Paul Snack

Paul’s Plane   Material Wafers Smarties Food glue (edible glue) Small candies Small paper plates   Steps Distribute a paper plate and 2 wafers to all children. Ask them to stick them on each other with food glue to form a cross. It’s the plane. Ask the children to decorate their plane with candy.  


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Paul Snack

Paul And Silas In Prison     Material Graham crackers (shortbread) or puffed rice Icing Pretzels Bear (Gummy bears / Marshmallow bears) Plastic knife Plate   Steps Tell the children to break the Graham cracker (shortbread) in half on the perforated line. Tell them to put icing on both cookies. Ask them to put the …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Judas Snack

Judas’ Coins     Material Oreo cookies White icing Yellow, green, red and bleu food colouring   Steps Before class, spread yellow icing on the Oreo cookies. After the story of the day, hand out the snack and tell the children that these are the coins that Judas used to betray Jesus.  


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Judas Snack

Tree   Material Long pretzels Green grapes cut in half Plates   Steps Before class begins, prepare snacks. On a plate, arrange a large pretzel to make the trunk of the tree. Then place smaller pretzels as branches and roots. Then place grapes cut in half to make the leaves. Give 1 tree for 2 …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Snack

Peter’s Fishing Rod   Material Pretzels Gummy fish Gummy worms Licorice   Steps Give 2 pretzels, 2 licorice, 1 worm and 1 fish to each child. Ask the children to wrap the licorice around the ends of the pretzels, leaving one piece of the licorice free. Ask the children to tie a knot with the …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Peter Snack

Walking On Water   Material Graham Crackers (shortbread) Teddy Graham Crackers (marshmallow) Blue icing Knives Plates Steps Give a cracker to every child and tell them to cover it with blue icing with a knife. Ask them to place two Teddy Graham Crackers standing on the icing (Jesus and Peter). Remind the children that Peter …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Lucifer Snack

The Snake   Material Bananas Strawberries Candy eyes Steps Cut the bananas and strawberries into slices first. Place it all on the table. Ask the children to place the fruit slices in line behind each other alternately. Then ask them to place a whole strawberry as a snake’s head and a whole strawberry at the …


16 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jesus Snack

Jesus On The Cross     Material Slices of bread Carrots Pretzels Black pepper grains Small paper plates Knives   Steps Give each child a small paper plate and a slice of bread. Ask the children to cut their slice of bread in the shape of a cross. Then distribute 1 small carrot. Ask them …


16 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Jesus Snack

Four Friends Bring A Paralytic To Jesus     Material Icing in a tube Teddy Graham Crackers Rectangular shaped cookies Small plates Steps Distribute a plate to every Child. Tell them to put 4 icing dots on their plate. The dots must correspond to the 4 corners of a rectangular cookie. Let the kids put …

