16 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Joshua Snack

Wall Of Jericho     Material Puffed rice squares Red ribbon Cardboard square   Steps On the cardboard square, place the puffed rice squares to form a wall. Make a hole in a square and place the red ribbon (it represents Rahab’s rope).  


16 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Joshua Snack

The Trumpets Of Joshua’s Army Material Bugles-style snack Small plates   Steps On small plates, serve a Bugles-style snack as trumpets to each child. Make the connection with the story of the day.  


16 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Moses Man Snack

Burning Bush   Material Cupcakes Vanilla icing Yellow and red food colouring Pastry (icing) bag Pastry (icing) bag with star shaped tip (# 19 in the example) 3 bowls Spatula or butter knife Steps Prepare snacks before class. Bake the cupcakes of the flavor of your choice by following the instructions on the package and …


16 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E- Moses Man Snack

The Separated Red Sea     Material Graham cookies Blue cake icing Small fish-shaped candy Plastic knives Small paper plates   Steps Give 2 cookies to each child on a paper plate. Ask them to spread the blue icing only the ends of the 2 cookies to create a sea separated in two. Ask them …


16 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-John the Baptist Snack

The Insect     Material Green grapes Icing Chocolate chips Toothpicks Steps Before class, prepare the “insects.” Insert 3 grapes into each toothpick. Put 2 small icing points on the tip of a grape and place 2 chocolate chips to create 2 eyes. Give each child an “insect” and enjoy them with them by linking …


16 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-John the Baptist Snack

John The Baptist’s Menu   Material Swiss Rolled Cakes Pretzels Candy eyes Small paper plates   Steps Give each child 1 cake. Ask them to insert 6 pretzels to make the antennae and legs. Ask them to place 2 candy eyes at one end of the cake. Eat your grasshopper!


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Joseph (New) Snack

The Messenger Angels   Material Marshmallows (for body and face) Marshmallows with toasted coconut (face) optional Chocolate icing (for mouth and eyes) Pretzels covered in white chocolate Tootsie roll with lemon Rice Krispies treats Lollipop sticks (lollipops)   Steps Place the items on the table. Ask the children to put 3 white marshmallows on a lollipop stick. …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Mary Snack

Baby Jesus     Material Oval cookies Fruit Roll-Up Icing Steps Before class, prepare the snack. Wrap the oval cookies with the Fruit Roll-Up. Add eyes and a mouth with icing. It’s baby Jesus.  


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Mary Snack

Mary’s Baby Pacifier   Material LifeSavers Mint Candy Wilton Edible Glue Jelly beans Coloured ribbons   Steps Ask the children to stick together (with the edible glue) 2 LifeSavers to make the shape of a pacifier. Then ask them to stick a Jelly bean on that pacifier. Finally, ask them to insert a ribbon and …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Moses Baby Snack

Moses’ basket   Material Paper muffin molds Cheerios Large marshmallows Small marshmallows   Steps Before class begins, prepare small snack baskets for the children. Put Cheerios in each muffin pan, then a large and a small marshmallow to form a small baby on straw Now make the connection with the story of the baby Moses …

