15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Moses Baby Snack

Baby Moses in his basket   Material Sausages coated in dough Muffin/cupcake sets Food coloring for the eyes   Steps Prepare snacks before class. Coat mini sausages in Pillsbury paste. Cook them. Put the babies in a muffin/cupcake paper and make their eyes with the food coloring. Distribute a Moses baby in his basket to …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Joseph (Old) Snack

Joseph: From Prison To Palace     Material Puffed rice squares Sour candy Large plate   Steps Before class, prepare a pyramid of puffed rice. Add the details with the sour candy Tell the children to come and take a piece of the pyramid to eat it. Remind them that Joseph stayed in Egypt.


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Joseph (Old) Snack

Joseph’s Coat     Ingredients Fruit Rolls (Fruit-O-Long) Big pretzels Small pretzels Ritz Crackers   Steps Ask the children to use a large pretzel for the body. Ask the children to use 2 small pretzels for the arms and 2 small ones for the legs. A Ritz cracker becomes the head. Ask each child to …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Joseph (Old) Snack

The Multicoloured Coat   Material Graham Crackers type cookies (for body and coat sleeves) Icing Rainbow mini-belts or multicoloured jelly candies (jelly beans) Small plates Plastic knives   Steps Give the children cookies Ask them to cut them and place them to create a coat and sleeves. Then ask them to put the icing on …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Esau Snack

Esau’s Soup     Material Chicken and noodle soup Styrofoam cups (plastic) Plastic spoons Pot (for the transport to the church) Steps Prepare the snack before class. Write “Esau’s Soup” on the Styrofoam cups you need. Cook chicken and noodle soup. Once ready, pour it into a slow cooker or pot so you can transport …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Esau Snack

The Hunter’s Snack   Material Bottles of water Small snack bags (Ziploc) Labels Small cereals, cookies, chocolates, dried fruit, etc. Adhesive tape   Steps Give each child a small bag with a “To Feed the Animals” tag. This small bag may contain small cereals, chocolates, dried fruit, etc. Then hand out water bottles to the …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Jacob Snack

Jacob’s Ladder   Material Graham crackers (or tea biscuits) Pretzel White icing Plastic knives Plates Paper towels   Steps Give each child a graham cracker. Tell the children to spread the icing on the cracker. Tell them to place the pretzels on the cracker to form a ladder.  


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jacob Snack

Jacob’s Ladder   Material Cookies or cakes for the base White icing Pretzels for ladder bars Small plates Plastic knives   Steps Give a cookie or a piece of cake on a plate to each Child. Ask them to add icing and then add the ladder-shaped pretzels.  


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Melchizedek Snack

Cheese And Carrot Currency     Material 1 large carrot, washed Small block of cheese Vegetable peeler Small sharp knife Mini Bento cutter / mini cookie cutter Steps Prepare the snack before class. Peel the carrot, then cut it into thick slices. Cut slices of cheddar cheese the same thickness as carrot slices. Cut a shape …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Rebekah Snack

Rebekah’s Well     Ingredients 3 Pretzels 1 Square puffed rice 1 Red liquorice 1 Large marshmallow 1 Oval cookie Blue and green frostings Blue and green dyes   Steps To make the dough Cut your square of puffed rice in half to form the roof. Hold the roof with icing. Punch the marshmallow with …

