3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Moses Baby Trigger 2

Guess Moses Material Erasable marker Plate Water Steps Use a dry erase marker on a plate to draw baby Moses. Then use water to see the drawing float. You can play a guessing game with the kids to make them guess who you are drawing. Add items like a basket, reeds or a baby.


3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Eli Trigger 2

Dancing kernels of corn   Material Water Large jar Baking soda Corn kernels Vinegar   Steps Place two cups of water in a large jar. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the water and mix everything well. Then add corn kernels to the mixture. Then add 1 cup of vinegar. This will overload the …


3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Timothy Trigger

When I go on a trip, I put in my…     Material Suitcase Items for travel Steps Spread out the items for the trip with Paul on a table or on the floor. Take a suitcase and put things inside as the child mentions it. Each time we close the suitcase and ask: “What …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Trigger

Share   Material Plate Ball Bins Steps Make a hole in a plate large enough for a single ball to fall into. Place bins all around the room. Give a child a plate with the hole and put some balls in it. The child must drop a ball into each of the bins around the …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Dorcas Trigger

Help the worm cross the table Material Construction paper Scissors Straw Steps Cut a piece of paper to have a strip the size of two inches. Fold the strip of paper in your hand so that the two ends meet in the middle. Fold the two halves in half so that they meet again in …


28 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Hannah Trigger

Learning patience     Material Round “O” shaped cereal 2 bowls   Steps Place the “O”s in a bowl. Ask the children to put all the “O”s from one bowl to another one by one. Give them 4 minutes to complete this task. Lesson Ok, I need you to try something for me. I’ll give …


21 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Rachel Trigger

A competition Material Cups Steps Place cups at each end of the table. The first child to stack their cups wins.


16 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

P-Simon of Cyrene Trigger

Carry the cross     Material Toilet paper roll Glass of water Small cross Steps Take a roll of toilet paper and unroll it the length of the table. Place a glass of water at the edge of the toilet paper. Ask the children to bring the water to them by rolling the toilet paper …


16 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

Queen of Sheba Trigger

Find wisdom Material 3D letters (beads, magnets, etc.) Spoon Bowl Steps Place 3D letters (beads, magnets, etc.) in a bowl. Use a spoon to find the letters of the word wisdom. Remind the children that the Queen of Sheba went to seek wisdom.


15 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

Ethiopian Trigger

Memory game Material 12 paper boxes (egg boxes, muffin tins with cupcake tins on top) 6 pairs of objects that we can find in the Bible (ex: animals, household objects, nature, numbers in the Bible) Steps Before class, organize the memory game. To do this, hide the objects under the papier boxes. Take turns telling …

