3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Timothy Trigger

When I go on a trip, I put in my…     Material Suitcase Items for travel Steps Spread out the items for the trip with Paul on a table or on the floor. Take a suitcase and put things inside as the child mentions it. Each time we close the suitcase and ask: “What …


3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Timothy Object lesson

Leave a mark     Material 1 cup wet, used coffee grounds ½ cup of cold coffee 1 cup flour ½ cup salt Waxed paper Bowl Wooden spoon Rolling pin Steps Before class, prepare the activity. Take out a large bowl. Put in the wet coffee grounds, cold coffee, flour and salt. Mix them with …


3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Timothy Activity

Follow the steps     Material Hand and foot prints (attachment)   Steps Print the images of the hand and foot prints. Stick three footprints of your choice on the ground, side by side. Stick three different prints in front of the first three. Continue in this way until a path is created. At your …


3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Timothy Physical activity

Be the guide     Material Pipes cut in half Balls Bucket   Steps Place a bucket at one end of the room. Place the children in a row at the other end of the room. Give each child a pipe cut in half and a ball. On your cue, have the kids go carry …


3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Timothy Snack

Backpacking across the country     Material Deli Cheese Pretzel sticks Plates   Steps Distribute one plate per child. Tell the kids to roll a deli. Then tell them to wrap the cheese around the charcuterie. Have the children pierce the entire roll with the pretzel stick. This creates a travel bag for Timothy when …


3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Timothée Cœur

The Heart of the Father   When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we become part of the great family of God. He becomes our Father and we His children. The family of God is big. Not only do we have a Father, but also brothers and sisters all over the world. Our brothers and …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Snack

Lydia’s clothes   Material Bread Vegetables Fruits Knife Plates   Steps Cut the bread into a human shape. Cut vegetables and fruits into different clothes shapes. For example, cucumbers in pants, peppers in dresses, carrots in shorts, apples in skirts, pears in shirts, grapes in shoes. Distribute the pieces of bread and fruits and vegetables …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Physical activity

Shoot to score Material Paper with holes and targets Paper   Steps Before class, take a large piece of paper and create large holes of different sizes, but always make sure a paper airplane can fit through. Record the score next to each hole on the paper. The more difficult the hole, the higher the …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Activity

Tie-dye shirt   Material “Tie dye” boxes (1 per child)   Steps Distribute 1 “tie dye” box to each child. Carry out the steps of the “tie dye” on the boxes with the children. The steps will certainly vary from one box to another. Make the connection with the story of the day.


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Craft

Cross in purple   Material Paper Scissors Different purple fabrics Glue   Steps With the children, cut out the shape of a cross from the sheet of paper. Then, cut small squares in the different purple fabrics. Finally, tell the children to glue the small pieces of fabric to cover the cross. Make the connection …

