15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Mary Object Lesson

Trusting God   Material 3 containers Vegetable oil Water Tape Food colouring   Steps Tell the children that trusting God rather than worrying even when you don’t know how things are going to happen, is exactly what Mary did. Do the following object lesson. Today I brought with me items that each of you could …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Moses Baby Object Lesson

God has a plan for your life   Material 1 deck of cards   Steps Take out the deck of cards. Holding the cards face down, let the children get it each one. Take the cards so that only you can see them. Pick up a map. Ask the children 2 or 3 times to …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Moses Baby Object Lesson

Baby Moses is in a basket Material 1 baby toy 1 basket Steps Repeat “Listen to the Word of God” several times with gestures. You can ask a child to hold the basket with the baby. Invite the children to continue to make the gestures while you say the words of the nursery rhyme.   …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Joseph (Old) Object Lesson

Forgiveness   Material Pitcher or glass of water Effervescent tablets like Alka Seltzer   Steps Encourage children to think of someone they should forgive. Talk about how we feel when we are hurt and angry. It hurts us, but we can ask God to help us give up those feelings. Put the tablets in the …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Joseph (Old) Object Lesson

We Forgive     Material Coat of colours Steps Have them repeated, “We forgive.” Repeat several times by having each child wear Joseph’s coat. You can change the sentence depending on your lesson.  


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Esau Object Lesson

Wisdom   Material Water gun Sponge   Steps Tell the children that water represents the knowledge they have received at school or church and that the sponge represents them. Water the sponge so it is soaked. Do the following object lesson. Like the sponge, we sit at school or church and get a lot of …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Esau Object Lesson

This Is Esau Material Bowl   Steps Show the bowl in which Esau would have eaten. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you.   Nursery Rhyme This is Esau, the little boy When he falls, he’s grumpy (Make a grumpy face.) Baby Jacob sometimes makes him angry. (Mime …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jacob Object Lesson

Focus On Blessings Material Small pebbles (1 for each child) Small candies (1 for each child)   Steps Give each child a pebble and a little candy. Ask the children to place the pebbles in their shoes and the candy in their mouths. Take them on a short walk. After the walk, ask the group …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Jacob Object Lesson

God Is With Me Always     Material Illustration on cardboard of children (attachment) Illustration on cardboard of a child playing (attachment) Illustration on cardboard of a house (attachment) Illustration on cardboard of a sleeping child (attachment) Steps Cut a poster-sized cardboard in four. Glue the following illustrations on the cardboard: children, a child playing, …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Melchizedek Object Lesson

Tithing   Material 1 bag of 10 sweets for each child   Steps Explain to the children that Abraham presented Melchizedek with tithing (one-tenth) of all that he had. By this act, Abraham indicated that he recognized Melchizedek as both a co-worshipper of the one true God, as well as a highly qualified priest superior …

