16 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jesus Physical Activity

  Material Yellow Circle: Life Blue Circle: Way Red Circle: Truth Green Circle: Jesus   Steps In the room, scatter the yellow, red, blue and green foam circles (like the Twister game).  Tell the children that each coloured circle corresponds to a word. The yellow circle corresponds to “The Life”, the blue to “The Way”, …


16 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Jesus Physical Activity

Jesus Ball   Material Ball Steps Ask the children to place themselves in a large circle. Give a ball to a child. On your signal, tell the child to throw the ball at another child by naming aloud a quality of Jesus or a miracle he has done. The latter must then throw the ball …


16 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Moses Man Physical Activity

Separate The Sea In Two   Material 1 pack of blue balloons Garbage bags Steps Before the class begins, inflate several blue balloons and place them in large garbage bags. When it is time to play, take out the balloons and place them on the floor in the middle of the class. Divide the children …


16 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Moses Adult Physical Activity

The Crossing Of The Red Sea     Material Coloured cardboard Construction tape   Steps At both ends of the room, indicate two lines (start and finish) using the construction tape. Adapt the distance to be covered according to the age of the children. Tell the children that they all have to cross the Red …


16 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-John the Baptist Physical Activity

Mission!     Material None   Steps Ask the children to lie on the floor with their eyes closed. The leader will walk around and touch a child’s leg to tell him that they will be John the Baptist. Then the leader will shout Mission! All the children then must get up and the one who …


16 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-John the Baptist Physical Activity

John The Baptist’s Coat   Material Brown wool   Steps In advance, cut several small pieces of brown wool and hide them all over the room. Explain to the children that John the Baptist was wearing a coat made out of camel hair. Tell the children that his coat is gone and that they must …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Joseph (New) Physical Activity

Attention! Concentration!     Material Plastic cups   Steps Place the children 2 by 2 face to face, knees on the ground. Place a plastic cup between the two children. “Head, thighs, knees and cup” are the words you utter. Tell children that when you pronounce your head or thighs or knees, they must touch …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Joseph (New) Physical Activity

Joseph And Mary’s Journey To Bethlehem     Material Coloured cards Pencils   Steps Prepare questions about the story of the day in advance. Glue colored cardboard on the floor to create a path. At both ends, write Bethlehem and Nazareth respectively. Ask two children to play the role of Joseph and tell them that …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Mary Physical Activity

Obstacle Course   Material 1 headband Chairs and various obstacles 1 cushion   Steps Place chairs and obstacles all over the room. Ask a child to put the cushion under their sweater as a baby and blindfold them. Ask another child to give directions to the blind child so that they can get to the …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Mary Physical Activity

Race Of The Baby Diapers     Material Two toy babies Two blankets Steps Divide the children into two teams. Tell them to sit down with their team in a circle. On your cue, tell a first child on each team to swaddle the baby in a blanket and then pass it to the right …

