28 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Hannah Snack

An answered prayer Material Eggs Sausages Knife Steps Before class, prepare the snack. Prepare boiled eggs. Cut the eggs lengthwise to keep only one edge of the white. Crush the egg yolk and put it in the hole. Cut the sausage into small pieces. Make eyes with two dots of ketchup. Place the sausage in …


28 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Hannah Physical activity

How far can you go?     Material Cup Tape measure Ball   Steps Place a cup on the table. Give a child a measuring tape. Ask them to stand 1 meter from the table and stretch the tape measure to reach the cup on the table. Then, place a ball on the measuring tape. …


28 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Hannah Activity

Can you wait?     Material Marshmallows   Steps Place a marshmallow in front of each child. Tell them that if they don’t touch this marshmallow and wait, they’ll get two marshmallows. Do not specify how long they have to wait. Then tell the children to wait 15 minutes without mentioning anything more. At the …


28 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Hannah Craft

Prayer hands     Material Construction paper or felt Scissors Hole punch String Paper Glue Markers   Steps Tell the children to trace their hand on a piece of paper or felt. Tell them to cut out their handprint. Then, with them, repeat the operation four times. Have the children punch holes using a hole …


28 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Hannah Object lesson

Perseverance Material Coin in an ice cube Steps Give each child an ice cube that contains a coin. The first person to get the coin out of their ice cube without putting it in their mouth or hitting it with another object is the winner. Lesson Following your activity, explain how Anne had to be …


28 Feb · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Hannah Trigger

Learning patience     Material Round “O” shaped cereal 2 bowls   Steps Place the “O”s in a bowl. Ask the children to put all the “O”s from one bowl to another one by one. Give them 4 minutes to complete this task. Lesson Ok, I need you to try something for me. I’ll give …

