17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Judas Craft

Coins     Material White paper sheet Aluminum foil Scissors Pencils   Steps Give each child a blank sheet. Ask them to draw a giant pouch. You can show them an example to help them. Cut the foil into several circles to create coins. Ask the children to glue coins on the pouch. Explain to …


17 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Judas Heart

The Heart of the Father   Who among us has never betrayed one of our friends? Who has never been betrayed by a friend? We’ve all been through this. We’ve all had squabbles with our friends. Our friends spoke badly of us, we also spoke badly of them. Does this kind of behaviour reflect the …


17 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-PS-Judas Heart

The Heart Of The Father   Who among us has never rejected one of our friends? And who has never been rejected by a friend? We’ve all been through this. We’ve all had squabbles with friends. Our friends have spoken badly about us and we have also spoken badly about them. Does this kind of …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Judas Object Lesson

Repel Sin     Material Bowl with water Pepper Small bar of soap (preferably heart-shaped) 1 teaspoon of sugar   Steps In this experience, pepper represents sin, sugar represents the life of sin and soap represents a good, just life. Put water in a bowl. Sprinkle the pepper in the water. This represents sin and …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Judas Object Lesson

Jesus Is Alive     Material Pouch with coins   Steps Show the pouch and explain that Jesus is alive and ready to forgive us, even Judas. Slowly repeat each sentence of the nursery rhyme. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you.   Nursery Rhyme I’m so happy …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Judas Trigger

Ask Forgiveness     Large heart drawn on a large cardboard (40 cm x 50 cm) Sticky tack Pencils Eraser   Steps Place the large heart drawn on a large cardboard on the classroom wall. Discuss with the children about things we regret doing because we know that it has harmed someone or ourselves or …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Judas Trigger

Images Of The Garden Of Gethsemane     Material Images of the garden of Gethsemane   Steps Before the children arrive, have the images of the garden printed. Arrange them on a table. Then, when the children arrive, show them the images and comment on them. Then tell them that the character of the day, …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Snack

Peter’s Fishing Rod   Material Pretzels Gummy fish Gummy worms Licorice   Steps Give 2 pretzels, 2 licorice, 1 worm and 1 fish to each child. Ask the children to wrap the licorice around the ends of the pretzels, leaving one piece of the licorice free. Ask the children to tie a knot with the …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Peter Snack

Walking On Water   Material Graham Crackers (shortbread) Teddy Graham Crackers (marshmallow) Blue icing Knives Plates Steps Give a cracker to every child and tell them to cover it with blue icing with a knife. Ask them to place two Teddy Graham Crackers standing on the icing (Jesus and Peter). Remind the children that Peter …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Physical Activity

Net And Fish     Material None   Steps Designate the playing area. Ask 5 players to hold hands to form a line: they are the net. Other players (fish) should avoid being surrounded by the 5 players without leaving the playing area. If a player is encircled by the net, he becomes a “mesh” …

