20 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah Heart

The Heart Of The Father   Jeremiah had a mission: to deliver a message to people who didn’t always want to hear it. Are you sometimes like the people who received Jeremiah’s message and didn’t want to hear it? Are there verses in the Bible that you don’t like to read? Those who talk about …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah Object Lesson

For I Can Do Everything Through Christ, Who Gives Me Strength. (Philippians 4:13)   Material 1 Potato 1 Straw   Steps Invite a helper to join you and challenge him: pierce the potato with the straw. It won’t be easy! Let the helper try to take on the challenge while you continue to talk to …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah Physical Activity

1 Minute To Win     Material Go on YouTube and search “One Minute To Win” for ideas   Steps Before class, go on YouTube and look up Game 1 Minute to win and choose some challenges that children will need to succeed. Get the items you need. Give children challenges they need to succeed. Offer …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah Trigger

What Will You Say?     Material Puppet in which you can insert your hand and move the puppet’s mouth.   Steps Ask the children: Have you seen my puppet? When I put my hand in the puppet, I can move it. Then I can put words in his mouth by moving my mouth in …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah Snack

Jeremiah’s Mouth   Material Apple slices Small marshmallows Cheese spread Small paper plates Knives   Steps Give 2 slices of apple to each child. Ask them to spread the cheese spreads on them. Ask them to place 5 mini marshmallows on one of the 2 apple slices and place the 2nd slice of apple on …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah Craft

Puppets     Material Socks Beads, wool, small buttons,  a felt marker (to decorate puppets), plastic eyes (googly eyes), pipe cleaners Scissors Glue for fabric or sewing needle   Steps Place all the items on the table. Give a sock to each child. Then ask the children to create their own funny puppet with all …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah Activity

The Wall Of Perseverance     Material Post-it Pencils Big Post-it paper   Steps First, remind the children how tenacious Jeremiah was even when it was difficult. Encourage them to persevere even when they have difficulty. Ask them what they are persevering in and tell them to write it on a post-it in the following …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah For Parents

I Can Do All Things By The One Who Strengthens Me. Jeremiah Devotional Read the Bible verses: Jeremiah 1 Practical Bring an object that demonstrates that it took perseverance to obtain or achieve it (a medal, a newsletter, a diploma, a painting, etc.). Reflexion When God calls Jeremiah to become a prophet, Jeremiah replies, “Lord, …


20 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Isaiah Heart

The Heart Of The Father   Isaiah was a messager and we are all called to carry a message to the world: the message of salvation. We must proclaim that Jesus died and rose for our sins and to give us eternal life and that he came to earth to show us, through his walk …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Isaiah Trigger

Twitter Account     Material None   Steps Before class, make a list of famous people who have a Twitter account and indicate the number of people who subscribe to their account. Ask the children to guess the number of subscribers of these famous people. If they are far from the number, give a starting …

