20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jonah Craft

Jonah’s Sun Catcher     Material Black construction paper Colouring crayons Scissors Template (attachment) Sticky plastic film to cover books Tissue paper Double-sided adhesive tape   Steps Print the template on cardboard for each child. Ask the children to glue the template on a sheet of black construction paper. Now tell them to cut out …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jonah Activity

Jonah Quiz     Material Quiz sheet Markers Steps Before the class, prepare a quiz sheet with multiple answers (see below) and print one for each child. Distribute the quiz to the children. Ask them to read the questions and highlight the right answer. Allow them to search in their Bible.   God asks Jonah …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jonah Object Lesson

Inseparable! Material Bar of Caramel Chocolate (Caramilk) Steps Show the children a caramel chocolate bar and ask them if they can separate the chocolate from the caramel. Suggestion: You could give each child a bar and let them try to separate. They will tell you that it is impossible! Tell the children the following lesson. …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jonah For Parents

The Pursuit Jonah Devotional Read the biblical text: Jonah Practical Bring a magnet and objects that are attracted to a magnet. Draw a parallel with the fact that God draws us to Himself, he pursues us. Reflexion Who did God want to save in the story of Jonah? He had big plans for Jonah, but …


20 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments


Father’s heart   Eli was a man who truly loved God, but he made a bad choice by turning a blind eye to the bad behavior of his children surely because he did not want to displease them. Let’s think about our lives for a few moments. We are all exposed at some point to …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Eli Physical Activity

Near – Away   Material Image that represents God   Steps A child walks out of the room or walks away while other players hide an image that represents God. Ask the child to come back to the group and tell them that they need to find the image. Depending on whether it moves away …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Eli Object Lesson

Don’t compromise!   Material 1 orange 1 bowl of water Steps Take an orange and ask the children what will happen if you put it in a bowl filled with water (stall or float). Put the orange in the water and see that it floats. Take the orange and write moral standards on it: tell …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Eli Trigger

Do you turn a blind eye to certain situations?   Material Blindfold to hide eyes   Steps Tell the children about the following situations. The cashier gives you more change than you were supposed to receive. What do you do? You are at a friend’s house and everyone wants to watch a movie that, to …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Eli Activity

Optical illusions   Material Slideshow of optical illusions (ppt illusion)   Steps Introduce children to the optical illusions slideshow. Tell the children that sometimes we, like Eli, don’t want to see certain situations. But when you pay attention, you can see well and you can’t ignore what you see or feel. As in optical illusions, …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Eli Craft

Find Eli’s work tools Material Game finds Eli’s work tools (attachment) Steps Distribute a sheet of each game to each child. Tell them to color Eli’s work tools.  

