3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

FR-P-Baby Moses Heart

The Heart of the Father   From the moment Moses was born, the enemy wanted to destroy his life, but God had a different plan and He protected him throughout his life. At several places in the life of Moses, the Father revealed himself to him, He led him and protected him. The Father has …


3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Timothée Cœur

The Heart of the Father   When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we become part of the great family of God. He becomes our Father and we His children. The family of God is big. Not only do we have a Father, but also brothers and sisters all over the world. Our brothers and …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Snack

Lydia’s clothes   Material Bread Vegetables Fruits Knife Plates   Steps Cut the bread into a human shape. Cut vegetables and fruits into different clothes shapes. For example, cucumbers in pants, peppers in dresses, carrots in shorts, apples in skirts, pears in shirts, grapes in shoes. Distribute the pieces of bread and fruits and vegetables …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Physical activity

Shoot to score Material Paper with holes and targets Paper   Steps Before class, take a large piece of paper and create large holes of different sizes, but always make sure a paper airplane can fit through. Record the score next to each hole on the paper. The more difficult the hole, the higher the …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Activity

Tie-dye shirt   Material “Tie dye” boxes (1 per child)   Steps Distribute 1 “tie dye” box to each child. Carry out the steps of the “tie dye” on the boxes with the children. The steps will certainly vary from one box to another. Make the connection with the story of the day.


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Craft

Cross in purple   Material Paper Scissors Different purple fabrics Glue   Steps With the children, cut out the shape of a cross from the sheet of paper. Then, cut small squares in the different purple fabrics. Finally, tell the children to glue the small pieces of fabric to cover the cross. Make the connection …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Object lesson

We can share, attention activity   Material Objects Steps One by one, show each of the items you brought in the paper or fabric bag. Discuss it using the following questions: How many people can benefit from this (article name) if I use it alone? How many people can enjoy it if I share it? …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Lydia Trigger

Share   Material Plate Ball Bins Steps Make a hole in a plate large enough for a single ball to fall into. Place bins all around the room. Give a child a plate with the hole and put some balls in it. The child must drop a ball into each of the bins around the …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Dorcas Heart

The Heart of the Father   Dorcas was known as a woman who did good works, she loved helping people in need. She is a great example to follow. Is it always easy to help people around us? No ! Sometimes it is even difficult because: We don’t want to It takes effort It requires …


1 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-P-Dorcas Snack

Clothesline Material Vegetables Fruits Knife Plates Cereals   Steps Before class, cut fruits and vegetables into different clothes shapes. For example, cucumbers in pants, peppers in dresses, carrots in shorts, apples in skirts, pears in shirts, etc. Then create clothespins with various vegetables and fruits. Distribute a plate, cut fruits and vegetables and a share …

