15 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Jacob Heart

The Heart Of The Father   Jacob was so desperate to receive his father’s blessing that he cheated on him. He lied to him and stole the blessing that belonged to his brother. What he did was wrong, he lied, he cheated on his brother and he stole him. His actions were not good. What …


15 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-PS-Jacob Heart

Father’s Heart     This morning we’re going to talk about blessing. What is a blessing? A blessing is a gift, a gift that God gives us. Jacob wanted so much to receive his dad’s blessing (gift) that he lied and stole to get it. He lied to his dad and stole his brother’s blessing. …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jacob Activity

You’re Blessed!   Material 1 gift 1 dice Scarf, mittens and hat   Steps Before class, prepare the gift. Pack it in several boxes. A first box must be packed and placed in a second box that must also be packed, then placed in a 3rd box a little larger and so on… You can …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jacob Physical Activity

Giant Snake And Ladders Game   Material Painter’s tape   Steps Before class, create a giant snake and ladder game with painter’s tape on the floor. Ideally, it takes a large room. You can also get one at the store (plastic canvas). Refer to the ladder that was in Jacob’s dream.  


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jacob Object Lesson

Focus On Blessings Material Small pebbles (1 for each child) Small candies (1 for each child)   Steps Give each child a pebble and a little candy. Ask the children to place the pebbles in their shoes and the candy in their mouths. Take them on a short walk. After the walk, ask the group …


15 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jacob Trigger

The Basket Of Blessings   Material Shredded paper Candy of all kinds Small toys   Steps Put all the surprises in a bin with shredded paper and make the children understand. Tell them that God always wants to give us good things and that we can trust him. Even if we don’t know in advance …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Jacob Snack

Jacob’s Ladder   Material Graham crackers (or tea biscuits) Pretzel White icing Plastic knives Plates Paper towels   Steps Give each child a graham cracker. Tell the children to spread the icing on the cracker. Tell them to place the pretzels on the cracker to form a ladder.  


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Jacob Trigger

Sensory Game   Material Sensory squares (sandpaper, fake fur, smooth paper, feathers) Steps Place the sensory squares on a table before the children arrive. Gather the children around the table where you placed sensory squares. Explain to them that Jacob and Esau had different skins.   Optional Encourage them to touch the different textures. You …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Jacob Activity

The Girl No One Wanted     Material 3 plastic cups 2 small toys Steps Put 3 plastic cups on a table and place 2 small toys under two of them. Mix the cups. Ask the children to try to guess under which cup there is nothing. Make a link with the story. In the …


15 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

En-PS-Jacob Physical Activity

Jacob’s Ladder     Material 10 Pieces of cardboard for 3″ x 14″ (7x35cm) 40 plastic cups Steps Divide the group into two teams. Give five pieces of cardboard and a stack of glasses to each team. Tell the children that when you give the signal, they have to build the highest ladder. After one …

