17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Peter Physical Activity

Tag “Save Peter From Prison”     Material None   Steps This is the principle of the game Police-Thief. Name a child as the police. Tell him to go after the others who are the thieves. If he touches a child, he or she must sit on the floor. He becomes a prisoner. In order …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Activity

Fishing For Words     Material 28 buckets or 28 miniature baskets with a handle (as many buckets as words from the Bible verse and its reference for both teams) 2 fishing rods (a small stick with a hook will also do) 2 copies of the words of the Biblical verse (Romans 4.7-8) on small …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Peter Activity

The Storm     Material 1 parachute or 1 sheet 1 small plastic boat   Steps Ask the children to circle around the parachute or sheet. They have to hold it with both hands. Place a plastic boat in the centre of the parachute or sheet. Explain the instructions to the children. When you say …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Craft

The Reckless Spinner     Material CD Water bottle cap Permanent markers Marble Hot glue   Steps Give each child a CD. Ask the children to decorate them with the markers. Ask the children to glue a water bottle cap in the center of the CD, using the hot glue (help them if they are …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Peter Craft

Rooster     Material Red and yellow construction paper Paper Wooden craft sticks Googly eyes Glue Pencils   Steps Give the children the material. Let the children draw their hands on the red construction paper. Cut out the hand the child has drawn on the red construction paper. Cut a circle into the paper. Cut …


17 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Heart

The Heart of the Father   No one is perfect. We’ve all made mistakes and we’re all going to make more. Peter made a lot of mistakes. He was impulsive and often acted without thinking. When you don’t take the time to think carefully before saying things or taking action, you often get confused and …


17 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-PS-Peter Heart

The Heart Of The Father     No one is perfect. We’ve all made mistakes and we’re all going to make more. Peter made a lot of mistakes. Peter was impulsive and often acted without thinking. When you don’t take the time to think carefully before saying things or taking action, you often get confused …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Object Lesson

It’s Not Over Yet!     Material Pen (without ink) Clock with dial (which has no hands) Glue (which does not stick) Block of “post-it” Steps Tell the children that you have incredible inventions to show them. pen Look at that pen. Can you see what’s special about it? It never stops working, because it …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Peter Object Lesson

I Love The Way God Created Me   Material 7 illustrations of unclean animals   Steps Show the illustrations to the children. Ask them to line up the animals. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you. Before each repeat, ask three volunteers to designate an animal they like …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Trigger

The Outdated Calendar     Material A calendar from a previous year   Steps Show the children the calendar and ask them: “Does everyone know what it is? It’s a calendar. How many of you have a calendar hung in their home? Calendars have many uses, don’t they? We use calendars to mark time. We …

