17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-John Object Lesson

Friends     Material Paper hearts (1 per child) Steps Give each child a heart. Ask the children to hold it on their hearts. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you.   Nursery Rhyme Friends do lots of fun things (Extend your hands with your palms facing upwards.) …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Paul Object Lesson

Bold And Passionate     Material Large packaged box (like a gift) with a ribbon on top Stickers   Steps Before class, put a sticker under a single chair among those the children will use. Tell the children you have a present for someone in the room. Show a large box wrapped with a ribbon …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Paul Object Lesson

One Bible, Two Books     Material A Bible for children Two children’s books Steps Present a children’s Bible and two children’s books. Ask: “Which of these books is a Bible?” Designate a child to show the Bible. Have him hold the Bible while you recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the rest of the …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Judas Object Lesson

Repel Sin     Material Bowl with water Pepper Small bar of soap (preferably heart-shaped) 1 teaspoon of sugar   Steps In this experience, pepper represents sin, sugar represents the life of sin and soap represents a good, just life. Put water in a bowl. Sprinkle the pepper in the water. This represents sin and …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Judas Object Lesson

Jesus Is Alive     Material Pouch with coins   Steps Show the pouch and explain that Jesus is alive and ready to forgive us, even Judas. Slowly repeat each sentence of the nursery rhyme. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you.   Nursery Rhyme I’m so happy …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Peter Object Lesson

It’s Not Over Yet!     Material Pen (without ink) Clock with dial (which has no hands) Glue (which does not stick) Block of “post-it” Steps Tell the children that you have incredible inventions to show them. pen Look at that pen. Can you see what’s special about it? It never stops working, because it …


17 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Peter Object Lesson

I Love The Way God Created Me   Material 7 illustrations of unclean animals   Steps Show the illustrations to the children. Ask them to line up the animals. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you. Before each repeat, ask three volunteers to designate an animal they like …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Lucifer Object Lesson

Lucifer’s Deception     Material 1 chocolate coated marshmallow 1 cotton ball coated with chocolate Steps Show the children the two treats and ask a child to come and open them to see what’s inside. The children will notice the deception! Tell the children that much of what comes from the devil is alluring. He …


16 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Lucifer Object Lesson

God Can Help You     Material Illustration of a praying child   Steps Show the illustration of a praying child. Remind the children that Jesus hears his friends praying. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you.   Nursery Rhyme God can help you (Point to the kids.) …


16 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Joshua Object Lesson

Fear Factor   Material Depends on the challenges chosen   Steps Bring all kinds of disgusting challenges for the children to face. For example: Eating a diaper full of poo (baby diaper with Nutella) Eat frog eggs (tapioca pudding with green dye) Find a key by plunging your hands into a jar that contains grasshoppers …

