20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Eli Snack

The priest’s chest piece Material Graham Cookies Cake cream Edible pearls or sweets Small plates Knives   Steps Place cake cream and edible beads or candy on the table. Distribute 1 Graham biscuit and 1 plate to each child. Tell them to put cream on their cookies with a knife. Tell them to decorate the …


20 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Elijah Trigger

Where is God?   Material Construction paper Tape Tissue paper Pail Two strips of fabric Soil Tray Small house Two 1-inch (3 cm) PVC pipe elbows 3/4 inch (2 cm) PVC pipe cut to three inches long   Steps Before class, prepare four experiment stations (see below). Explain that Elijah was confronted with four different …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Eli For Parents

What pleases Devotional Eli Read the biblical text: 1 Samuel 2: 12-25; 1 Samuel 3: 11-14 Practical Bring each of your children a little surprise that will please them (A different surprise depending on each of each child’s particular tastes). Reflexion When you know that someone likes something, if you love that person you want …


20 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Elisha Heart

The Heart Of The Father   Elisha was a man who accomplished great things for God. Was Elisha a different man from you and me? No. What makes him different is that he understood who he was and that with the Spirit of God in him he was able to accomplish great things. You too …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elisha Object Lesson

Filled With The Power Of God     Material 1 cup (cup of tea) 1 bucket Water Dark coloured liquid (like cola) Steps Part One Fill a bucket with water. Pour water from the bucket into the cup of tea. Explain that God is like the bucket and that we are like the cup of …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elisha Snack

The Miracle Of Oil     Material Olives Olive oil Bread   Steps Bring olives and olive oil to class. Talk about some of the uses of olive oil. Let the kids taste it. They could dip some bread in the oil. Put a drop on each child’s hand and let them use it as …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elisha Trigger

A Beautiful Heritage     Material Sheet, blanket or large piece of fabric   Steps Drape a piece of cloth or sheet on your shoulders (or on a child’s shoulders). Explain to the children that the prophet Elijah was wearing a cloak. We don’t know exactly what it looked like, but it was apparently a …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elisha Physical Activity

I Want What You’ve Got!   Material Small scarves, handkerchiefs or pieces of fabric   Steps Place the children 2 by 2. Ask them to hang a scarf on their belt (when playing as a team, the scarves must be one colour per team). Then, face to face, the two children observe themselves. At the …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elisha Activity

Scenes From Elisha’s Life     Material Biblical passages from Elisha’s life Bowl   Steps Print out the biblical passages, cut them out and place them in a bowl. Separate the children into small groups. Ask them to draw and read a passage about Elisha’s life. Ask them to illustrate the event with a drawing …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elisha Craft

Elisha’s Coat   Material Wooden stick Coloured paper Glue Markers Scissors Pipe cleaner Strings or stickers Googly eyes   Steps   Cut out two squares in the coloured paper. Make an accordion with the squares. Place the squares in opposition to create volume in the mantle. Glue three corners from one square to another. Fold …

