20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E- Elisha For Parents

Power Elisha Devotional Read the biblical text: 2 Kings 2:1-18 Practical Bring balloons to inflate. Inflate them and blow on them to move them forward. Like balloons, God wants to use us. He’s blowing in us. All we have to do is let his air get into us. Reflexion Elisha loved Elijah as a father …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elijah Craft

Magnetized Memo Pin     Material Wooden clothespins Black paint (gouache or acrylic) Black feathers Black and white googly eyes Yellow or orange construction paper Magnetized adhesive tape Glue   Steps Place all the material on the table. Ask the children to paint the clothespins black (let them dry). Ask them to stick 2 or …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elijah Activity

Throwing Crouton     Material 2 baskets 2 boxes of commercial croutons List of review questions   Steps Divide the class into two teams. Ask a team a review question. If a child responds correctly, the team earns a point and the child who responded well has the opportunity to throw a crouton into the …


20 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Elijah Heart

The Heart Of The Father     Perfect life does not exist on earth. But fortunately we have a wonderful and perfect Father who takes so good care of us, even in the most difficult trials. He wants you to know this morning that he loves you and that he is there for you as …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elijah Physical Activity

Hot Stone (balloon)     Material 1 stone   Steps Ask the children to form a circle. When the music starts, the first player gives the stone as quickly as possible to his neighbor on the left, as if the “stone” was very hot! When the music stops (or an alarm clock, stopwatch or other …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elijah Object Lesson

God Doesn’t Let Us Sink, He Brings Us To The Surface     Material 1 large glass 1 uncooked egg (on which you can draw a face) Fine salt Water   Steps Start your lesson by pouring water into the glass. Then show the egg and ask the children what they think will happen when …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elijah Snack

The Little Crow   Material 1 red plum Pretzels 1 baby carrot 2 candy eyes 1 cream cheese (as glue) Cupcake papers Knives   Steps Place all the material on the table. Distribute 1 cupcake paper to each child. Ask the children to put pretzels in the cupcake paper. It’s the straw. Ask them to …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elijah For Parents

Oh! Those emotions! Elijah Devotional Read the biblical text:1 Kings 19:1-18 Practical Show all kinds of emoticons to the children and ask them to choose the one that represents the emotion they experience when you ask them. 😀😂😏😞😖😟😢 Reflexion We can all be discouraged, feel sad, don’t want to get up one morning to go …


19 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Jonathan Heart

The Heart Of The Father   Jonathan was a very good friend, the best. He was David’s friend. In good times and bad, he stayed there for David. It’s not always easy to find good friends who will be loyal and who will remain your friends at all times. Unfortunately, sometimes our friends hurt us, …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jonathan Trigger

Skit On True Friendship     Material Skit document (POTF attachment)   Steps Before class, read the skit and practice with 2 other adults to play it properly. Introduce the skit to the kids. Following the skit, discuss with the children what true friendship is.  

