19 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Ruth Object Lesson

God Is With Me Always (2) Material 1 girl doll   Steps Show the girl doll and explain how God was there for Ruth. Recite and mime the rhyme. Repeat the rhyme slowly.   Nursery Rhyme God is with me always (Point your finger to the sky, then to you.) When I play and when …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Delilah Object Lesson

Watch Out For The People You’re Dating     Material Papers with the word FRIENDS (1 per child) Coloured pencils   Steps Before the class begins, print the word FRIENDS in large bubble letters about 2 inches high. Give each child a paper with the word FRIENDS printed on it and a dark-coloured pencil. Ask …


19 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Delilah Object Lesson

I Need To Choose Well     Material Children’s scissors   Steps Show the scissors to the children. Explain how Delilah cut Samson’s hair. She was not a good friend to him. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you.   Nursery Rhyme Head, shoulders, knees and toes. (Touch …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Samson Object Lesson

Strength In Weakness   Material Two cloth gloves Glue or paint   Steps The day before, take one of the gloves and soak it in paint or glue and let it dry so that it is beautiful and rigid the next day. During the lesson, ask the children: “Do you want to be strong or …


19 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Samson Object Lesson

I Need To Grow Up     Material Ribbon to tie hair   Steps Ask a young girl if she agrees to be given seven braids. Make her seven braids as you recite the nursery rhyme. Recite and mime the rhyme. Encourage the children to do the gestures with you.   Nursery Rhyme Head, shoulders, …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Gideon Object Lesson

You Have Potential!   Material Balloon Bottle   Steps Place the uninflated balloon in the bottle. Put the open end of the balloon on the outer edge of the bottle neck. Bring the bottle to your lips and try to inflate the balloon. It’s not going to work. Then take the balloon out of the …


19 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Gideon Object Lesson

God Can Help Us Material Toy trumpet   Steps Say, “God can help us in different ways. Can you think of a time when God helped you? Listen carefully to the next nursery rhyme. When I’m done reciting it, you’ll have to tell me a way God can help you.” Recite and mime the nursery …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Deborah Object Lesson

With God, We Will Do Mighty Things   Material 1 ziploc bag or 1 freezer bag Sharpened pencils Water   Steps Discuss the fact that there are certain situations in our lives, where we must have the audacity of Deborah and go ahead just like her. After all, with God we will do mighty things! …


19 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-PS-Deborah Object Lesson

God Loves All The Children Of The World     Material Illustrations of children (girls and boys) Steps Before class, cut out pictures of children from magazines, girls and boys from various backgrounds or from social situations mentioned in the nursery rhyme, in magazines. Use duct tape to paste the pictures onto a heart-shaped cardboard …


17 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-John Object Lesson

Love Attracts Like A Magnet   Material Magnets Metal items such as coins, nails and paper clips   Steps Show the magnets to the children and do the following object lesson. I have something interesting to show you today: magnets. Who knows what magnets do? (Let the children respond.) Yes! Magnets attract objects and in …

