19 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-David Shepherd Heart

The Heart of The Father   David was looking for God. How about you? David knew who he was, he knew that he was the son of God and that God was his Father. He was not afraid of anything, not afraid of lions, nor of bears, or even of the giant Goliath. Do you …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-David Shepherd For Parents

Appearance David Shepherd Devotional Read the biblical text: 1 Samuel 16:6-13 Practical Pour flour into one paper bag and stones or gravel into another. Without them knowing what’s inside, ask a family member to guess what it is. Finally open one bag at a time and describe its contents. Reflexion Both bags have the same …


19 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Saul Heart

The Heart Of The Father   Do you sometimes look at your friends and want what they have (a video game, the latest LEGO Model)? Or want to be like them (thinner, hair of another color)? This happens to all of us, but we must remember that lust is a sin. When there is sin …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Saul Activity

The Jealous King   Material None   Steps Choose a child who needs to go out of the room. He’s the person jealous of the king! Tell the other children to sit in a circle. Designate a child who will play the role of the king. Tell the child who is out to come back …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Saul Trigger

Envy Rots!     Material 1 glass 1 white egg 1 can of Cola   Steps Dip an egg in a glass of Cola and see how Cola damages the shell. Do the experience the day before in order to show it to the children. Re-experiment in front of the children and show them the …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Saul Object Lesson

Pride     Material 1 balloon (birthday balloon) 1 pump to inflate balloons   Steps Talk to the children about pride and inflate the balloon at the same time. Say that pride is a bit like inflating this balloon (you can also talk about the expression having a swollen head). Continue and say that humility …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Saul Physical Activity

Jealous Of The Treasure   Material 4 hoops of different colours (1 for each team) Sponges Scarves   Steps At each corner of the room, place a hoop in which you place the same number of sponges. Divide the children into 4 teams. Each team is assigned a hoop. Children should place their scarves behind …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Saul Craft

Saul’s Emotions     Material Balloons Rice or playdough – enough to fill your balloons Colourful string, ribbon, raffia, etc. Black permanent marker Plastic eyes Glue   Steps Place all the equipment on the DIY table. Give a balloon to each child and tell them to fill it with playdough in small balls or rice. …


19 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Saul Snack

Emoji Cookies     Material (for 12 shortbread emojis/emoticons) 12 round cookies about 7 cm in diameter Black icing (eyes, eyebrows and mouths) White icing Colour-scribbled icing Round candy Food colouring for yellow foods Images of several emoticons Steps Put yellow food colouring into the white icing. Spread the yellow icing on the cookies. Ask …


19 Aug · Micael Caron · No Comments

EN-E-Samuel Heart

The Heart Of The Father   As a human being, there are many voices that influence us, tell us who we are and how we should live (friends at school, television, video games, etc.). All these voices can be good, but they can also be less good. Maybe because of the friends around you, the …

