3 Mar · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-E-Isaiah For Parents

Message to deliver   Devotional Isaiah   Read biblical texts. Isaiah 5:25 Isaiah 6:9-10 Isaiah 1:31 Isaiah 9:5 Isaiah 53:5-6   Practical On slips of paper, write some messages that Isaiah had to deliver. Put these messages in a basket and have each of your children pick one up. Once they have picked up a …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Esther For Parents

Fears Are Heavy! Esther Devotional Read the biblical text: Esther 4 Practical Gather a stack of books. Choose a family member with his arms extended while others load books on his arms, one at a time, until he can no longer take them. During the process, family members will share their fears as books are …


20 Aug · Noemie Chasse · No Comments

EN-E-Daniel For Parents

Daniel Devotional   Read the biblical text: Daniel 2.20-23   I Trust You   Practical Each member of the family tells of a situation in which they were afraid.   Reflexion Daniel’s story is so interesting! He loved God so much and trusted him so much that he was ready to spend the night in a …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Ezekiel For Parents

Are You Dry? Ezekiel Devotional Read the biblical text: Ezekiel 37:1-4 Practical Bring an image of a bone. Bones are very useful! They’re solid! They serve as a frame for our whole body. Thanks to them, we stand up, we move towards each other, we lean on each other! Some bones are used to protect …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jeremiah For Parents

I Can Do All Things By The One Who Strengthens Me. Jeremiah Devotional Read the Bible verses: Jeremiah 1 Practical Bring an object that demonstrates that it took perseverance to obtain or achieve it (a medal, a newsletter, a diploma, a painting, etc.). Reflexion When God calls Jeremiah to become a prophet, Jeremiah replies, “Lord, …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Isaiah For Parents

Message To Deliver Isaiah Devotional Read the biblical text: Isaiah 5:25, Isaiah 6:9-10 Isaiah 1:31 Isaiah 9:5 Isaiah 53:5-6   Practical On scraps of paper, write down some messages that Isaiah had to deliver. Put these messages in a basket and have each child draw one message. Once they get a message, they read it …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Jonah For Parents

The Pursuit Jonah Devotional Read the biblical text: Jonah Practical Bring a magnet and objects that are attracted to a magnet. Draw a parallel with the fact that God draws us to Himself, he pursues us. Reflexion Who did God want to save in the story of Jonah? He had big plans for Jonah, but …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Eli For Parents

What pleases Devotional Eli Read the biblical text: 1 Samuel 2: 12-25; 1 Samuel 3: 11-14 Practical Bring each of your children a little surprise that will please them (A different surprise depending on each of each child’s particular tastes). Reflexion When you know that someone likes something, if you love that person you want …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E- Elisha For Parents

Power Elisha Devotional Read the biblical text: 2 Kings 2:1-18 Practical Bring balloons to inflate. Inflate them and blow on them to move them forward. Like balloons, God wants to use us. He’s blowing in us. All we have to do is let his air get into us. Reflexion Elisha loved Elijah as a father …


20 Aug · Annie Riendeau · No Comments

EN-E-Elijah For Parents

Oh! Those emotions! Elijah Devotional Read the biblical text:1 Kings 19:1-18 Practical Show all kinds of emoticons to the children and ask them to choose the one that represents the emotion they experience when you ask them. 😀😂😏😞😖😟😢 Reflexion We can all be discouraged, feel sad, don’t want to get up one morning to go …

